About the H-2B Visa

On a previous post we briefly mention about the need to have an H-2B Visa if you are going to take a Job in Guam.

Actually, H-2B is just one of the many Visa that is required if you are going to work in the United States. Out of the many types of Visa, two are the most popular.

1. H-1B Visa. This is the primary visa or permit for foreigners who are going to work in the United States. If you are in IT, Finance, Accounting, Banking, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Sales, Recruiting, Engineering (all types), Teaching, HealthCare/Medical, Legal, Lawyers, Networking, Telecoms, Business, Management and Hospitality or practically any professional skills you are going to need this Visa. The duration of the Visa is up to 6 years. Plus you are allowed to bring your family. But they cannot work unless they acquire their own visa.

2. H-2B Visa is for very short term work and usually for seasonal industries. Examples are: Hospitality workers, Hotels / Motels, Chefs, Resorts and Theme Parks, Ticket Sales, Cruise ships, Construction workers, Maintenance, Janitorial, Ski Resorts, Landscaping, Golf Courses, Water parks, Security, Ride Operators, Restaurants and bars, Warehouse, Retail Stores. The duration of this visa is only up to 1 year but it can be extended to 3 years.

For further details regarding the different US Visa and the application requirements you can refer to http://www.h1base.com/

Related Article: POEA Rules for Filipino Workers Bound for Guam

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